Digital India is a campaign launched by the government to ensure the Government's services are made available to citizens electronically by improved online infrastructure and by increasing Internet connectivity or making the country digitally empowered in the field of technology. The initiative includes plans to connect rural areas with networks. It consists of three core components: the development of secure and stable digital infrastructure, delivering government services digitally, and universal  digital literacy.

Launched on 1 July 2015, by Indian prime minister .
As of 31 December 2018, India had a population of 130 crore people (1.3 billion), 123 crores (1.23 billion ) digital biometric identity cards, 121 crores (1.21 billion) mobile phones, 44.6 crores (446 million) smartphones, 56 crores (560 million) internet users up from 481 million people (35% of the country's total population) in December 2017, and 51 percent growth in e- commerce .
Digitalisation has been one of the most important trends in India over the past few years. ... This rapid growth helps propel India to the forefront of digital and technological innovation, particularly leveraging the energies of the country's young population.
